Yarichin Bitch Club

By PeterLogan

Takashi Tono, a high schooler who is hapless, is transferred to the remote Mori Mori academy, an all-boys school for the elite and wealthy, in the mountains. Tono is forced to choose the photography club because of a school rule that requires membership in a club for at least one year. He picked it because he believes it will be the easiest. To his surprise, he finds the members of the photography club testing a vibrating fleshjack when he arrives at the first meeting. He is then press-ganged into Yarichin Bitch Club. This club “the release valve for the pressure of a bunch cooped under the mountains are,” a group who loves having me! Yarichin Bitch Club’s premise is so absurd and inappropriate that an explicit yaoi Manga is the closest place I can see it being allowed. Its “M for Mature,” is well-deserved, and the content is so absurd it will cause whiplash.

After all the moral hand-wringing is done, I will now say this: I would have worn out my manga if I was given it in high school.

Yarichin Bitch Club’s main 

Plot revolves around Tono’s arrival in Mori. He learns about the Bitch brandon turner while also getting to know Kyosuke Taguchi (Yacchan-noted cutie), a fellow transfer student and fellow “accidental” Bitch Club newbie. The Bitch Club’s rule that members who don’t have sex before the end of each month are gang-banged is secondary to this. Yu might have a solution that will allow them to avoid being gang-bombed by the club. However, it has some strings attached. After saving the life of a suicide student, top-scoring Bitch Club slut Yuri was stalked. His underwear and socks were stolen. Akemi, the club president, is furious that they were purchased with brett young funds.

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Yarichin Bitch Club is a mixture of comedy

From high school, BL love triangles, and filthy, depraved yaoi sex odyssey. Ogeretsu Tanaka, the artist, admits that it was originally a webcomic. This manga was born out of my desire to create a crude romantic comedy. “I loved fuckboys at the time, so I wanted the story to include a lot of them.” They received an e mail asking if they would like to make the manga into a book. To believe it, they had to read it six times.

The hybridization of separate genres mostly works, blending the three; Yacchan is a target of love-hate from Bitch danny devito bad boy Tamura; Tono and Yu’s horror at getting gang-banged forges their pretend-but-maybe-not relationship, complicated by Tono’s crush on Yacchan, and Yacchan’s crush on Yu. A hilarious gag that Tono uses to go to Yacchan’s house to study or hang out is a great one. The adorable high school boy’s bedroom is a dump. “Let’s get clean!” Akemi is also a potential drama queen with his boyfriend, Itome, who is silent and mysterious. Both are tops but Akemi will be Itome’s bottom. Tono wonders what Itome thinks about the arrangement.

Lastly, the most bizarre and difficult part of Yarichin Bitch Club, and possibly the most confusing, is the character of Yuri. A hypersexual idiot savant described generously by other characters as having “a few screws loose”. She speaks almost exclusively in baby goo-goo and may be aware of the fourth wall. This is an unpredictable and strange part of the plot. In this case, I wonder if something was lost in translation or if the baby talk was an odd choice. This is already a very extreme premise. Yuri, on the other hand, is a complete freak. He slobbers all over people/genitals and prancing around naked, taking dick, and sex toys everywhere. He is highly sought after and has men constantly following him-the third plot in Vol. The stalker mentioned above is 1.

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The difficulty may be that readers who are not Yarichin Bitch Club members have limited access to the inner workings of the Bitch dan bilzerian characters, including glimpses at Tamura’s and Akemi’s interpersonal relationships. Yuri, ditto Bitch Club germaphobe, and fetish lover Shikatani are not a focal point. It’s not easy to keep up with the many characters on screen. I hope Vol. will give us more time to get to know them all.  

The manga is a great excuse to use a bunch of sexy fuckboys and mensluts in a high school comedy setting. The art is charming, kinky, and sexy. A prequel chapter that shows Tamura being ritualistically gang-banged, is one of the most popular sex scenes in this book. Ogeretsu Tanaka explains how the three first chapters had to be redrawn. The art quality is superior to that of a webcomic manga. Yarichin Bitch Club is a good option, provided you can accept the ridiculous premise. Perversely thrilled that I found it, although admittedly in plastic wrap-on a table at my local big-chain bookstore. Although I doubt they are aware of what they are selling, I am eagerly awaiting Vol. 2 will be out on February 11. I will continue to patronize the bookstore to show my appreciation for their smut selling.

They are available to faculty and Students 

If a 31-year old male BL blogger writes about a volunteer-based high-school brothel, you might feel like this.